Contact Belinda by email or phone and she will arrange a time to call you to find out more about your situation and requirements.
Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM): most people come separately to the assessment meeting. You will be given more information about mediation and if it is suited to your situation. All costs will be laid out at that point to provide an estimate.
Belinda will contact the other party and they will attend an assessment meeting.
The first session will focus on the issues to be discussed and what the priority is. The issues might cover child arrangements, financial matters, communication and property. A detailed and full financial disclosure is required for a financial settlement for a divorce.
Depending on the issues to discuss, you will meet with Belinda for 2 - 5 sessions. Each session last 60 - 90 minutes.
At the end of the mediation, Belinda can prepare a Memorandum of Understanding and/or Financial Summary.